Sunday, June 5, 2011

游~台湾 Travel~Taiwan

去年的八月,我去到了台湾。没有计划,只有冲动。看到便宜的机票,立刻买了,没有多想。毕业典礼之后的隔一天就飞到了台湾。兴奋? 有!但程度不高。可能是因为太累吧!在飞机上睡了两个小时,再用两个小时看看和排排在台湾几天的行程。很感谢朋友借我一本台湾游“终极天书”。 有了它,整个台湾背包旅行真的简单,容易,轻松的多。本人极力推荐的一本旅游书—台北高铁全线游,长空出版社。

Taiwan, my first station!
Went to Taiwan in August 2011 right after my convocation. Bought the flight ticket two weeks before the travel date. All of a sudden. No planning at all. Excited? A little bit. Why? Mayb I was too tired with the convocation so I can't feel the excitement. LOL! 4 hours flight. Slept for 2 hours and then went through the Taipei travel book to plan for the itinery. Have to thank a friend for lending a very nice travel book to me. The whole trip was so relax, enjoy and fun.

这次台湾游的焦点在台北。逗留的时间不多所以没打算去太多地方,以免变成商业化的旅行团。台北是一个很发展,有次序地城市。交通方便,人民亲切又乐于助人 。入住一间中山民宿,只需台币三百一晚,等于马币三十,真的超级“抵”!

The main focus of this trip was Taipei. Didn’t plan to travel to too much states because I wanted a relax holiday, no rush. Taipei is a developed and well organised city. Accessable transport, friendly and helpful residents. Stayed in a warm guesthouse in ‘Zhong Shan’, costs me only NT 300/night. Cool~~

湾地标之一  -  台北101, 真的很壮观。入门票只需台币400。乘坐速度快至1010m/min 的恒压电梯到89 楼只需37 秒,快得惊人,感觉超棒! 在观景台向下望,看到整个台北市, 感觉大地在我脚下,暗爽。。。 嘻!:P  参观世界第二高的台北101 是一个很不错的经验, 但别期望太高因为除了台北市景,这里只有一些历史故事和摆设, 没多大惊喜。

Taipei 101, the world second tallest building. Impressive! Paid only NT 400 for a visit. Took lift with speed 1010m/min to the observatory, only 37 seconds. Wow... really fast! I saw the whole Taipei city from the observatory. Awesome!

另一个台北旅游必到之处就是闻名的士林夜市。时常在台湾电视节目里听到的士林夜市果然闻名不如一见。这里有好多好多台湾小吃,例如:大肠包小肠,豪大大鸡排,官材板, 蚝煎,胡椒饼,珍珠奶茶。。。 全部都让我嘴巴停不下来。这里除了有好多美食,也有很多服装店。价钱低,选择多,真的是一个好去处。

Shilin Night Market. A must go place in Taipei. There are many delicious Taiwan foods in the night market such as ‘Big and Small Sausage’, ‘Big Big Chicken Chop’, fried oyster, Pearl milk tea and many.

在台湾最令我印象深刻而且无法忘怀的就是“Bigtom”冰淇淋。点了一客红酒冰淇淋。 当我吃进第一口的时候,绵绵的冰淇淋入口即溶,口里满满红酒的香味, 真的令我满足快乐似神仙。那种感觉真的难以形容, 我从未尝过如此美味的冰淇淋,这是我在台北最大的收获。Bigtom位于台北市光復南路, 国父纪念馆隔壁。
Bigtom Ice Cream. Yummy!!!
Must try!!! Red wine ice cream is highly recommended.
It is located next to National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall

以这部电影为主题的Mr.J義法廚房就位于台北医学大学里。身为周迷的我当然要去看看。 哈!整个餐厅果然以不能说的秘密的一点一滴布置成。 非常有感觉,而且坏境舒适。 餐厅中间摆着一部钢琴,令我想起电影里的情节和那感动的故事。

Visited Mr.J restaurant which is located in the Taipei Medical University. I love the interior design of the restaurant especially the piano. The theme of this restaurant is Secret, a Jay Chou’s movie.

这里充满复古怀旧的气息,让我感觉回到古时候。九份不大,只有几条街, 但却应有尽有。台湾总是离不开美食。阿伯鱼丸, 芭乐果汁,阿柑枝芋圆都是九份出名的食物。 在这里找到一间很有特色的小小服装店。它的特别之处在于该店老板亲手裁剪和设计每一件衣服,每一件衣服的图案都是独一无二的,而且是老板亲手用颜料画在布料上。简单但独树一格!

‘Jiu Fen’, my favourite tourist attraction in Taiwan. This is a small town nearby Taipei city. ‘Ah Bo Fish Ball’, ‘Red Guava Juice’ and ‘Ah Zhi Gan Taro Balls’ are the must try foods here. I found a special boutique here. It is special because every shirt or dress is designed and sewed by the owner of the shop.  You won’t be able to find it at other boutiques.

淡水 八里 渔人码头
这三个地方是连接的所以行程可以安排在同一天里。 淡水是另外一个小镇。这里的旅游景点不多,但来到这里的旅客都会一睹淡水老街和红楼的风采。旅客都可以在老街购买各式各样的手信如阿婆铁蛋,黄梨酥,还有我最爱吃的牛扎糖等等。在淡水码头能够买到淡水 八里 渔人码头的来回船票。八里比较像是工业区,所以景点更少。参观了陶土博物馆再到在码头边的公园骑脚踏车及吹吹风, 很舒服!

DanShui - Ba Li - Yu Ren Ma Tou are connected so I managed to cover these three places in a day. DanShui is another small town in Taiwan. Not much tourist attractions here. The only interesting place here is DanShui old street where you can buy souvenirs - 'Ah Po Tiedan', 'Pineapple Tart' and 'Milk sweets'. Bought a return ferry ticket to Ba Li and Yu Ren Ma Tou at DanShui jetty. Then went to Ba Li. Ba Li is more like an industrial area but there is a nice garden next to the jetty where you can ride bicycle.

一个情人邂逅的地方。 传说情侣越过情人桥都能得到爱神的眷顾。你相信吗?

Yu Ren Ma Tou - Fisherman's Whart
Lover's Bridge - A romantic place for couples

虽然只有短短几天, 但是我真的很享受, 也很珍惜我看到和体会到的一点一滴。

I love Taiwan!!!